  • Rivers
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  • Wetlands
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Wetlands in cold ecoregions - affected species

In the boreal zone, natural stream flows are characterised by a spring flood with the high peak annual water level caused by snowmelt, followed by decreasing discharge during the summer and autumn, with occasional summer and autumn flood peaks caused by rain. During winter, the flow is low and primarily fed by groundwater discharge. Models of climate change predict increased temperatures and changed patterns of precipitation that will alter the flow of rivers and streams with consequences for riparian communities. In boreal regions of Europe, stream flows will exhibit earlier spring-flood peaks of lower magnitude, lower summer flows and higher flows in autumn and winter (Ström et al., 2012).

These hydrological changes are predicated to have a significant effect on riparian plant communities, with changes in the growth and survival of individual species as well as changes in community biomass production and species composition (Ström et al., 2011).

Currently we are working on a selection of affected species for wetlands in cold ecoregions - so please stay tuned..